Wed. 7/22/09

I looked like rain in the NW, so I decided to head out from my house and go east rather than drive up to the Erik's ride.

I made my way out on my usual 20 mile route to hwy 42, then I turned north and headed into Eyota.

From there I headed east again past the elementary school and up and over the rollers as I made my way on into Dover. At Dover I turned north on cty 10, crossed over hwy 14 and continued north up and over some more hills, until I got to cty 9.

I turned west on cty 9 only to see the dark clouds were now completely over Rochester. I decided right then I was going to get wet at some point, so I kept an eye on the oncoming traffic to see when the wiper blades were being used. To my surprise no wiper blades as I made my way back on cty 9.

So, I turned south on cty 11 and headed for home without getting wet.

But the sky looked pretty nasty to the west...

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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