Wed. 7/15/09

I met the guys at Erik's for the regularly scheduled Wednesday night ride.

We rolled out right at 5:45pm and headed north on the Douglas trail.

As we turned west at Douglas and headed for Genoa hill, someone touched wheels and one rider went down. He looked mostly shock up and a little road rash on the left knee. His bike was OK, but Big Steve lost two spokes on his front wheel.

Big Jim took the broke wheel to his house and came backk with a spare.

The group had rolled ahead and we all got back together at the top of Genoa hill. Then we headed south until we got to cty 10 (I think) from there we headed into the stiff wind out of the west until we got to cty 11.

We headed north on cty 11 until we came to the river road. Big Jim turned north for more miles, while the rest of us headed to Pine Island.

After Big Jeff took the sprint and a quick rest stop, we headed back to cty 3 and made our way to Douglas. And then back on the trail to the shop.

It wasn't a bad evening (if you could take out the crash)...

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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