Wed. 07/01/09

Oh Hells Bells, Rat Farts, and Monkey Noodles!

It's been 6 months since I had my last fall (in case you missed it, I broke both the fibula and tibia just above the ankle and now I have a cool looking scar and a 4 inch piece of titanimum and 5 screws in my right leg).

Anyway, last night was the Erik's ride and things were going along nicely until just after Mazeppa where Big Steve and I were leading around a corner onto some newly paved roadrway, when I crossed the freshly-painted white line and hit a patch of the loose sparkly gravel-dust. Well the next thing I know I'm on the ground and Big Tom is standing over me checking out my shoulder. I don't think I was out, but I really don't remember anything about the fall.

My right side is a series of cuts and scraps, with my shoulder, hip, and head taking the brunt of it. My new helmet is cracked in two places, so off to find another...

Jeff straightened my brake levels and we got rolling along again (before I stiffened up too much). It's funny, but I can't remember the ride from Mazeppa to the turn on hwy 63. Not even the big climb out of the valley.

Anyway, we rolled along back into town without a problem and I only started to feel sore and stiff as we turned of of 37th street and headed north and then west back to erik's on 41st street.

Kathy is getting real good a patching me up. Maybe she should think of a career in nursing.

No Spam Jam ride for me, I guess...not that I was in shape for it.

Now I have to go out in the garage and give the bike the once over. I hope nothing is broke there (or the wife is going to kill me).

1 comment:

jp said...

At least you spared us a picture of a rash covered A--. Some jesey company has that angle covered in Velonews! Heal up fast, the road will still be there when the scabs fall off. Jeff has a fetish--he'll help you pull them off :) JP

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Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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